When the bibag disposable is secured to the bibag connector on the Fresenius Medical Care 2008T hemodialysis machine or the 2008K@home™, the sodium bicarbonate powder is automatically mixed with water producing a saturated solution. This saturated solution is then proportioned with water and acid to achieve the prescribed dialysate.
Ease of Use
Hygienic Delivery of Bicarbonate — Dissolves directly at the machine to reduce the risk of contamination and bacterial growth1
Convenient Handling with Lightweight Packaging — Removes strain associated with lifting heavy liquid bicarbonate bottles
Easy Top Connectology — Eliminates dripping on the floor when disconnected compared to other cartridges
More Features
Less Storage and Preparation Space — Up to five times the number of treatments per box compared to one case of FMCNA liquid bicarbonate
Two Flexible Bag Sizes — 650 g and 900 g bags provide the right amount of bicarbonate for an efficient treatment
Environmentally Friendly with Less Waste — Flexible, recyclable bag may reduce waste costs